(805) 699-5058 info@sbweb.us

Website Recovery and Repair

Has your site been hacked or taken down?
Does it need some fixes? Call us!

Bad things happen… Whether it is a billing dispute, a negligent handling of your server or website files, a webmaster that left for good without leaving you access codes  – one day you might find your self staring at an empty screen, a 404 error in Tech Geek language, instead of your website which  you relied on to bring you more business.

Now time is of the essence:

Google is crawling your site every day. Server availability and missing pages (404 errors) are important factors that contribute to the ranking of your site. Sites that have been hacked might be taken out of Google’s search index. Google might display a warning instead of showing your site.

If your site is offline for many days, you will not only miss current business but also future business, due to the drop in ranking.

website recovery

In most cases, we can recover your site and transfer it to a new, modern platform

Many website design companies use their in-house system to manage your website and its content. The platforms and content management systems they are using are custom made for their purpose, not yours. We use a top-of-the-line open source software. This means that our sites can easily be transferred to another host.

Learn more about website recovery

By Website recovery we refer to the process of restoring a website to a functional state after it has become unavailable or non-functional due to various reasons such as server crashes, hacking, data loss, etc.

There are several ways this can be done. The procedures depend on the steps already done and those possible in the website recovery process:

We assume that you have already checked for backups: If you have taken regular backups of your website, one can be used those to restore it.

Have you checked with your hosting provider? Your hosting provider might have backups of your website, you can reach out to them and ask for a restore. If you can’t we might be able to do it for you.

Let’s check the Wayback Machine: The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the internet that allows you to view older versions of websites – in case the archive has visited your website. It may not be restored from there, but can give a clear image of the conetnt and design. Some images from the Wayback Machine can even be used directly.

It is recommended to regularly backup a website and have a plan in place for website recovery in case of any emergency. This will minimize the downtime and reduce the impact on the business in case of any disaster.

Website Recovery is less expensive than building a new website from scratch

Our service includes:

  • Using same or similar graphics
  • Redirecting old URLs to the new pages (essential!)
  • Adding Content Management System so you can edit your website and add pages yourself
  • Improve Search Engine Optimization
  • Make sure your sites look perfect on mobile devices
  • Add a Business Listings on Google and Bing
  • Host on a high speed server with regular backups

We keep your existing design – or improve it!

We usually recover and rebuild 99% of your existing design. Reprogramming during website recovery can be the perfect time to review its design and functionality.

website suspension

Website Recovery and Transfer

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