(805) 699-5058 info@sbweb.us

SEO Website Optimization

Optimizing your Site: Ranking, Speed, Efficiency

1. SEO Website Optimization for Ranking: Are You Being Found? For What Terms?

SEO Website Optimization

SEO Website Optimization needs a long-term plan for lasting results. We prove our results!

Local listing

What is SEO? How is a website being search optimised?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a website or a web page from search engines via unpaid, free search results. These rankings are called “organic”. They differ from other search engine marketing (SEM) like Google AdWords, which are fee-based. The earlier (or higher) your site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. With SEO, we target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific search engines. This gives a website online presence, traffic, and revenue. SEO considers how search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing work and what your potential customers are searching for. Optimizing a website primarily involves:

  • researching the main terms and related terms customers are searching for
  • examining the code and keywords of your competitors (high-competition search terms only)
  • editing its content and HTML coding to both increases its relevance to specific keywords
  • make sure search engines are able to index your site and its pages

Beware of scams!

Since search engine optimization is the “magical word” for many people, many scams are happening in this area. It is typical that even if your site has a top listing, you will be contacted by people who try to sell you premium SEO services. Those offers often run between $500 and $1500 a month.

Our advice: If your site needs optimization, check with us what is possible. Often enough, people who contact you via your submission forms are sending out emails randomly without having ever seen your site. We have seen those emails for may sites that were on Google’s top.

We check whether your site is where it can be.

2. Website Optimization for Speed: Don’t Let Them Wait.

speed optimization

Why does website speed matter so much?

Google started implementing website speed as a ranking factor about two years ago. On top of that, website visitors have become increasingly impatient. Do not expect a visitor wait for your site to load longer than three seconds. So if your site is located on a slow server, saving $15/year for hosting could cost you valuable positions in ranking and make visitors leave you site early.

Many parameters affect website speed

Apart from server speed, there are many parameters that affect website speed. We have utilize many techniques to optimize website load times. They include bundling of css and JavaScript code, thinning out code, expiration date of images and files, rescaling of images, and the application of a Content Delivery Network CDN.

Fast out-of-the-box

We make sure your websites are as fast as possible under given circumstances. We also offer hosting including maintenance for reasonable prices and make sure that your sites are secure.

3. Website Optimization for Conversion: Visitors Might Not Click The Way You Wish.


Guiding your visitors through funnels means better conversion

Optimization for conversion is a relatively new science in web publishing. It is basically the art of guiding the visitor through funnels in your website and buy your product or subscribe to your services. Colors and structures play major roles – e.g. a red button can be far more effective than a green one, although we were told that color psychology tells us that red is associated with danger.

“Don’t make me think!”

“Don’t make me think!” is one of the must-read books in this field. It explains the simple attitude that web developers need to consider when creating the visitor flow.

Visitor flows are usually documented by Google Analytics and other tracking scripts. We often utilize heat-maps and visitor recordings to gain insights about the actual visitor behavior and apply the insights to make your site better.

The result is that we can determine very clearly which funnel on your website works best.

visitor flow

Get a website optimization review with detailed advice!

SEO Website Optimization: In doubt about previous SEO deals?

Are you in doubt about the website optimization you are receiving? Did you build your site yourself, had it designed in India and are not so sure why things are not working?

Get a Second Opinion!

You may want to let SBWeb review your site. We will provide you with facts and stats, followed up by a phone call that explains what needs to be done.

Whether you hire us or not – you will receive documentation on what we found.


We include several important aspects in our tests:

  • Main search engine rankings
  • Google Business Listing
  • Site speed
  • SSL evaluation
  • Mobile friendliness
  • Malware scan
  • Blocked IP listings
  • Visual evaluation

Most website owners are not aware of the state of their site. They rarely check their search engine rankings – and if they do, then for one or two terms only. They do not know what terms their site is actally ranking for.

Most website owners also do not know about mobile friendliness, SSL certificates, site speed, malware test, and IP check at spam fighting organizations are not being done.

All those tests are regularly performed for any websites hosted at AWebsiteForlawyers.


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