(805) 699-5058 info@sbweb.us

Good Google Business Listings

Google Business Listing

If you are hosting with us, you already have a Google Business Listing.
The Google Business Listing has become more important when Google started displaying three local listings below the (paid) Adwords campaigns and above the regular “organic ” listings. The headings are as big as the AdWords campaigns, the good news is that the listing is free.

What Is Important for a Good Local Listing?

There are several factors that count:

  • Business title, proximity, selected categories.
  • Reviews from “credible sources”, meaning real customers. Whoever has a Gmail account can submit a review (since Google provides the technology, it will know the credibility, like age and location of that account). A few weeks ago we sent out custom links for our clients.
    If you haven’t received a review link from us, please let us know.
  • Reviews on other sites like Yelp.
  • Domain and website age, time in business.
  • Links from credible local authority websites – any local well-frequented website will do.
  • Links from other websites and the typical factors that come with it (website authority, link text etc.)
  • Behavioral signals (Click-through rate, time spent on the site, mobile clicks to call, check-ins, etc.)
  • Social signals (Facebook and Twitter engagement, etc.)
  • Regular Blog posts on your website. We cannot emphasize enough that regular blog posts are a great way to improve ranking. Fresh content counts.
  • Regular Blog posts on your Google Business Listing.

While we set up and monitor your Google Business Listing, in some cases it might be helpful to have access yourself. Please contact us to set you up for account access (Gmail or GSuite account required).

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