(805) 699-5058 info@sbweb.us

Room for Improvement: What About Your Site?

Speed Matters!


If you are hosting with us, you already have a fast – loading, speed optimized website. Most of our client websites have a speed ranking of A, somewhere between 92% and 99%.
However, the delivery can still be improved by applying a Content Delivery Network (CDN) which we offer as an Add-on for a low annual fee. Then your site will be automatically delivered to any visitor from the closest server of a worldwide delivery network instead of just one location.

What May Slow down a Website?

1. Large, Unscaled Images

Web development has shifted towards large “hero” images. Large images can mean increased download time when no efforts have been done to optimize for size. Our example shows that speed can be achieved with great “hero” images. Also, any graphics should be reduced to the size used.

2. Cache Configuration Errors

Did you know that most content on any website is being cached nowadays? There are many ways of doing that, one of them happens in your web browser. All elements should have “expiration dates” so that they do not have to be downloaded again and again.

3. Plugins

Each and every additional function that requires an additional plugin might affect loading time and with that potential visitors. Outdated plugins can also pose security risks. Our latest technology allows us to skip 75% of the plugins we used before. That means more speed and stability, fewer concerns about compatibility.

4. Themes:

While many local web design companies utilize customized all-purpose themes (you may notice them by a relatively “generic” look, we use a custom theme on a premium framework. We love sleek, elegant, and simple solutions without big luggage.

If you are in doubt about the performance of your site, please do not hesitate to call us.

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